Friday, November 21, 2008

Do you believe in miracles?

No cancer in Sue's liver......No cancer in Sue's liver......No cancer in Sue's liver......No cancer in Sue's liver....

I am determined to dunk a basketball tonight since I am so elated by the news. Let me see if I can explain clearly.

-This time last week Sue is told from the pathologist that from the scan results, she was diagnosed with cancer in her liver and they were cancelling the surgery and doing a biopsy to see the type and level of cancer present in the liver. Lowest point in Sue's life.

-Late this afternoon, she receives a call from Dr. Karulf who doesn't quite know how to explain the results based on their conclusive evidence last week about Sue's cancer. The biopsy revealed no cancer in the liver, even with two additional scan results. Sue's response to Dr. Karulf was that she knew God can and would perform miracles. He did not respond to the comment. :-o

-This means there is no sighting of her cancer metastasizing which means the lymph node next to the tumor might be infected or if cancerous, might not have spread. (Notice the word "might" used often)

-Surgery is back on for Tuesday at 9:00a.m. to view the lymph node and either remove it, close her up and start chemo right away or best option: surgically remove the malignant tumor and treat an infected lymph node.

-The doctor did see something else going on in her abdomen area and wants to view it further. Does not look serious, but still wants to check it.

Last week at this time, I had aged 10 years and while reflecting on Sue's life, didn't quite understand asking God "why Sue?" Many supporters have been praying for Sue and if you believe in miracles, you just witnessed one. When Sue called me tonight and gave me the results, we both agreed it was God's plan.

I will update the blog later, just know that as of this minute, she has a malignant tumor in her right lung, a swollen lymph node adjacent to the tumor and no other detection of cancer.

It's time to go dunk a basketball. :-)

Sue says "thank you God and bless you all"


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