Sunday, November 23, 2008

Update as of 11/23/08

An update to Sue's prognosis. (Please read the 11/21/08 blog update to understand this update)

Sue is actually having an MRI (not surgery) this Tuesday @ 8:45a.m. The doctors want to have a complete picture of the abdomen and liver and remove all chances of any cancer since they think there might be something called stenanosis that if it goes untreated will become scerosis. Another one of God's gifts to find something that could have gone undetected and would have been something serious in the future. (We will have more info on this stenanosis after Tuesday's MRI). Once they have a clearer picture of the liver and abdomen, they will then review everything and plan the surgery. Most likely to happen in the coming 2-3 weeks.

Here is an outline of the tentative surgery plans:
Surgery is similar to what I described a couple weeks back regarding a mediastenoscopy. The doctors will perform a biopsy of the lymph node adjacent to the right lobe of Sue's lung which is where the tumor is located. If the lymph node shows signs of cancer, they will stop the surgery and start radiation and chemo the following day or week.

If the lymph node is not cancerous or is infected, they will proceed to remove the malignant tumor and remove the upper right lobe of her lung. We all pray at this point that the healing begins. More details will follow after the Tuesday MRI.

Continue to keep Susan and her school kids in your prayers.

Greatly appreciated,


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