Sunday, January 4, 2009

Looking forward to 2009!

A very Happy New Year to all of you!

Portland has gone from being the new North Pole to a deluge of rainfall...temps. have warmed up to a tropical 50 degrees, but it has rained nonstop for the last couple of days and now some of the smaller rivers are at flood stage. A major highway is closed in one section now because of mudslides. It's going to be quite the winter in the NW, I think :)

Talked to Dr. Karamlou yesterday and he has me scheduled to meet with a Dr. Morris on Monday (not sure what time yet, they are supposed to call me tomorrow). This doctor is a surgeon and the conversation is to determine whether or not the pancreatic nodule can be successfully removed with laparoscopy. If so, that happens first - if not, then we go straight to chemo/radiation. I have an appt. with him (Karamlou) on the 8th and I expect to know when everything will begin (either surgery or chemo) after meeting with him.

Also had more blood work and other tests done yesterday to monitor pancreatic function, should have the results early next week. I'm still feeling good, haven't had any significant symptoms and am grateful for the blessings of each day.

Tomorrow morning I'm taking my file and dvd of all scans, MRIs, PET scan, etc. up to OHSU for Dr. Brett Shepard (one of their leading pancreas doctors) to review. This is a HUGE gift....a friend of a friend is a nurse there and arranged for me to get a consult with him, free of charge. Not sure when I will meet with him as he wants to review all the information first, but it will likely be next week.

Re-scheduled the Stanford appt. (it was set for Jan. 6th) to the 27th. I didn't see the value in getting another oncology opinion and trying to coordinate a one day visit to Palo Alto since we don't have a set plan here yet, a lot will depend on Monday's meeting with Dr. Morris. Dr. Colevas (Stanford) is strictly a lung cancer doctor - this isn't a bad thing, but since I'm dealing with two different cancers, his assistant (Barbara) said he will want to know what the protocol for treatment of the pancreas is before I meet with him.

It's been a great few weeks off, all things considered, and I'm back to work on Monday. No doubt the kiddos (and teachers too!) are going to be very out of the school routine, but it will be good to see them and be back to work at least for awhile, depending on surgery and/or chemo.

Love and hugs to all of you, I'll keep you posted as more information comes my way.
Here's to a healthy, happy and fully healed 2009!

Love you,

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