Monday, March 16, 2009

Please Pray.......Pray Focused.......Pray Hard

I spent the past three days with Sue which started with some surprising news on Friday. A view of the scan showed the current nodule on the pancreas had shrunk (yeah), but an additional nodule showed up in the middle of the pancreas and it looked like there was some slight inflammation around the lymph areas. It was a weekend of reflection as this news always sticks in the back of your mind until definite results come back from the docs.

Today was that day. Sue's doctor shared with her that not only is there a second nodule, but another one in the lymph area. There will be a biopsy later in the week to determine if this is cancer. If the nodule in the lymph node is malignant, then surgery to remove the nodules is off as it will continue to come back again and again. They will view the lung this time next week and then make decisions on next steps.
Sue has said all along "Lord, let this be your will", but I pray that HIS WILL is to get this healed up so we can move forward with all the things yet to accomplish.
She asked me to specifically request that each of you pray for her & the doctors as they continue to conduct further scans and biopsies. Today was a tough day and all the support means a great deal for Sue. She described today as surreal and has a hard time understanding why this continues to move in another direction. Keep in mind, the doctors considered her cancer to be stage 4 twice (early on before declaring stage 2) and today seems somewhat similar until we have more information.

Please pray for Sue.



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